中国社会改革开放以来,既扎根中华文明大地,坚持自己的发展道路,又走向世界,在经济、政治和文化等领域广泛开展交流、合作、互鉴与互惠,则再次印证了“美美与共”的深邃哲理。诚如著名哲学家罗素(BertrandRussell, 1872-1970)所言:历史已多次证明,不同文明的交流是人类文明发展的里程碑,希腊学习埃及、罗马借鉴希腊、阿拉伯参照罗马,欧洲又模仿阿拉伯等,皆是如此。历史经验让我们相信,全球化时代的到来,更亟需促进不同文明的交流与互鉴,因为只有这样,才能让不同的民族、社会和国家相互了解、相互尊重、相互欣赏,并通过分享各自的文明成果与生存智慧,共同担当维护世界和平、繁荣人类文明的重任。
This panel's theme draws its inspiration from the well-known exhortation of the eminent Chinese anthropologist, the late Fei Xiaotong (1910-2005): "One cherishes one's own Beauty but also cherishes the Other's Beauty. It is this mutual appreciation that may lead to universal harmony".In this context Beauty refers to the loftiest qualities and achievements in both the material and non-material spheres (e.g. ideals, ethos, values, experience, wisdom) that a represent in all cultures and civilizations.
Chinese tradition has long valued harmony and inclusiveness; often invoking the image of a vast ocean into which run hundreds of rivers. Chinese history's shows many examples of cultural exchanges and cross-cultural acquisition of knowledge. It has been profoundly impacted by the Silk Road (as early as the Han dynasty, 206BC-220 AD), by Chinese Buddhist monks’travels in Asia during the Tang dynasty(618-907), e.g. Xuanzang's pilgrimage to India to search for sacred Buddhist scriptures, or Jianzhen's missionary journey to Japan, and by the transmission of Western knowledge to China, and of Chinese knowledge to the West during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).
The launching of the Open-door Policy in the late 70s renewed with this specific road map for national and cultural development. Since then, China has been continually engaged with the world in the economic, political and cultural fields in areas that include communication, co-operation, and cultural exchanges, thus attesting to its deep regard for the wisdom expressed by the"Beauty through Each Other's Eyes".
As the famous British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) pointed out, are view of history shows that encounters between civilizations often create the landmark events that mark human progress. For instance, the Greeks learned from the Egyptians, the Romans from the Greeks, the Arabs from the Romans, medieval Europeans from the Arabs. It is in the light of this historical background that we are convinced that our new age of globalization is in urgent need of cross-cultural acquisition of knowledge, and inter civilizational communication. This is the only way through which different peoples, societies and countries may come to understand, respect and appreciate each other; the only way through which, by sharing their life experience and cultural achievements, nations may fulfill their mission of safe guarding world peace,and spur human civilization's continued progress.
To accomplish this goal, the panel invites experts and scholars from China and the world to present and discuss the following thematic areas: (1) case-studies or macro level overviews of historical exchanges between civilizations and of cross-cultural acquisition of knowledge; (2) theoretical investigation of civilizational exchanges and cross-cultural acquisition of knowledge, from aphilosophical, theological, anthropological, sociological standpoint-preferably with an inter-disciplinary approach; (3) inter-civilizational dialogue in the global age, with an emphasis on the philosophical, cultural and religious traditions of major civilizations, examined individually (e.g. ethos, ideals,theoretical contributions), or in the form of comparison or dialogue.