● 国家、市场与社会边界再认识(理念创新)
● 社会企业的社会属性认证(主体创新)
● 社会创新生态培育理念与机制(政府创新)
● 影响力投资的理念与实践(企业创新)
● 专业志愿者(人力创新)
● 社会影响力评估:社会影响量化局限性的破解路径(管理创新)
Social innovation has emerged as a worldwide movement, and has become a frequently debated topic in the last decade. Social innovation is a response to markets’and governments’ failures in providing public services. It calls for the establishment of an inclusive society through the elimination of boundaries between state, market and the third sector, and the integration of economic,social and environmental benefits.
The key elements for social innovation include social enterprise and impact investment. The G8 summit 2014 publicizeda report entitled, Impact Investment: theInvisible Heart of Markets, a historical policy paper that illustratesthe rapid development of impact investment. In recent years, social innovation has become a frequently debated topic at the UN, World Bank, World Economic Forum, and Social Enterprise Summit.
Marketization, informatization, urbanization and internalization, have led China to a critical historical juncture: the deepening of reform and the push for social transformation. More challenges require more innovations. Many enterprises, such as Beijing Makerspace, Venture Capital Fund, and other social enterprises were established to answer the Chinese government’s call for “venture philanthropy” and “entrepreneurship and innovation”. Enterprises are searching for innovative ways to utilize resources, and universities are facilitating innovation-oriented research projects, courses and degrees.
The panel will be focusing on “social innovation”, and will include the following topics:
● Re-thinking the boundaries between state, market and society(conceptual innovation)
● Social attributes certification for social enterprises (subjectinnovation)
● Concepts and mechanisms for building eco systems for social enterprises(governmental innovation)
● Concept and practice of impact investment (business innovation)
● Pro-bono work: volunteer but not amateur (human resource innovation)
● Social impact assessment: coping with the limits of quantitative studies in social impact (management innovation)