时间:5月21日(星期三) 下午1:30
主讲人:巴黎高科驻华代表处主任 Hervé PHILIPPE
“Chinese Engineer Students in ParisTech”
The 11 most prestigious Graduate Institutes in Science and Engineering
Invite you to study in France and improve your career prospects
ParisTech is a consortium of 11 of the most prestigious Graduate Institutes in Science and Engineering in France:
AgroParisTech, founded in 2007 (the merger of INA P-G founded in 1826, ENGREF founded in 1824 & ENSIA, founded in 1893): www.agroparistech.fr
ENPC (Ecole nationale des ponts et chausses), founded in 1747 : www.enpc.fr
ENSAE (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique), founded in 1942: www.ensae.fr
ENSAM (Ecole nationale supérieure des arts et métiers), founded in 1780 : www.ensam.fr
ENSCP (Ecole nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris), founded in 1896 : www.enscp.jussieu.fr
ENSMP (Ecole nationale supérieure des mines de Paris), founded in 1783: www.ensmp.fr
ENST (Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications), founded in 1878: www.enst.fr
ENSTA (Ecole nationale supérieure de techniques avancées founded) 1765: www.ensta.fr
ESPCI (Ecole supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la Ville de Paris), founded in 1882: www.espci.fr
Ecole polytechique, founded in 1794: www.polytechnique.fr
Institut d’optique Graduate School, founded in 1920: www.institutoptique.fr
Paris Institute of Technology – ParisTech – is offering places to young Chinese graduates of Tongji, Fudan and Jiaotong University in SHANGHAI, Tsinghua, Beida and CAU in BEIJING and Nanjing University, NAU and South East University in NANJING, to enable them to pursue a two-year program in engineering in France and obtain a French Engineering Degree (which is an M.Sc. degree) at one of the Schools of ParisTech.
Students admitted will benefit from a tuition wavier (up to 18,000 euro a year) for the total duration of their studies at their host ParisTech Institute. They will have to fund their travel costs to France and their residential costs in France for the duration of their studies. Scholarships covering living costs will be offered to suitable candidates by the French Government, Chinese Government and French corporations who wish to hire Chinese engineers as future senior executives.
During the conference, Dr. Hervé PHILIPPE and CHENG Yingting will present ParisTech and its “50 Engineers Program”, requirements, admission procedures, studies in France, and they will also answer your questions.