2024牛津大学玛格丽特夫人学院Lady Margret Hall(简称“LMH”)暑期项目开放申请,欢迎感兴趣的同学报名参加。
Session One: 24th June 2024 to 12th July 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Theory and Practice
Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Reinforcement Learning
PPE: Leadership in Politics, Business, and Society
Repression, Subversion, Expression: Gender and Sexuality in British Literature
Psychology and Social Connection
Session Two: 15th July 2024 to 2nd August 2024
Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Computer Vision
Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Natural Language Processing
PPE: Climate Change, Politics, and Environmental Justice
British Literature: Oxford and the Rise of Fantasy
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Session Three: 5th August 2023 to 23rd August 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Theory and Practice
Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Deep Unsupervised Learning
Economic History: The Great Divergence, Convergence, and Beyond
PPE: Globalisation, Populism, and Identity
Computational Psychology and Artificial Intelligence