日期: 2018年6月25日-7月13日
地点: 北京大学斯坦福中心
课程安排: 每周1/2/5,13:00-17:00
课程导师: Randall Stafford教授,斯坦福大学医学院预防研究中心
联合导师: 北京大学公共卫生学院李榴柏教授、星一教授、宋逸研究员
申请资质: 北京大学在读硕士/博士生,有以下领域研究兴趣者优先录取:医学、制药、心理学、社会学、统计、产品设计、编程、经济学、大数据。
费用: 课程费由斯坦福中心赞助,食宿自理
申请方法: 请将英文简历发送至sanjiu39@stanford.edu
申请截止: 2018年4月9日
This three-week graduate level seminar will look at impacts of increasing and numerous problems among adolescent and young adults in China, such as substance abuse, depression, risky behavior, weight gain, visual impairment, infertility, and self-harm. Through active discussion, team-based research projects and site visits, we will examine how current economic strategies are being shifted towards primary health care, and how policies can be adopted to directly improve the health of adolescents and young adults.
The SCPKU Graduate Seminar program aims to bring cutting edge research and learning in Stanford to China. Each seminar is led by one or more Stanford faculty and the class is consisted of 6-10 students from Stanford and an equal number of students from China, creating a unique, high-level and cross-cultural learning opportunity.
Detailed course description:
China's extraordinary economic growth has fostered numerous social changes that threaten to offset the benefits of economic prosperity. Most prominent is rapid urbanization with substantial rural to urban migration. Resulting changes in health behaviors include increases in smoking, alcohol intake, overweight/obesity, pollutant exposure, and sedentary lifestyles. These changes exert distinct pressures on different population segments. Particularly impacted are adolescents and young adults. Unfavorable changes in their health behaviors presage magnified downstream increases in chronic diseases. Numerous problems are increasing in this age group, including substance abuse, depression, risky behavior, weight gain, visual impairment, infertility, and self-harm. China is modifying some economic strategies and shifting towards primary health care as well as adopting policies to directly improve the health of adolescents and young adults.
This three-week seminar at SCPKU in Beijing will focus on: 1) classroom discussions led by Stanford and Peking University faculty, and 2) team-based, practical research projects that will develop proposals for innovative prevention research. Peking University faculty will also facilitate access to local information and resources. The course emphasizes experiencing Beijing through course-related site visits and students seeing the local culture. The seminar will culminate in a public symposium led by the faculty where the student teams will also present their project results. All instruction will be in English. The seminar is a non-unit bearing course.