加拿大麦吉尔大学(McCall MacBain Scholars)全额奖学金项目将于2023年5月24日(周三)晚面向我校学生举办专场宣讲会,欢迎感兴趣的同学积极报名。
一、 项目介绍
麦吉尔大学(McGill University)成立于1821年,是坐落于加拿大魁北克的著名公立研究型大学,本部位于蒙特利尔。该校是U15大学联盟、英联邦大学协会、美国大学协会成员校之一。两百年以来培育了14位诺贝尔奖得主以及147位罗德学者。
1. 在麦吉尔大学攻读硕士学位的学费
2. 学期内每月2000加币的生活津贴
3. 导师计划,学业、生活顾问,每一位奖学金获得者都会与一位经验丰富的导师、一位专业教练员、一位教员顾问。
5. 领导力培养计划,包括两周一次的领导力研讨会、同辈合作的领导力实验室、与特邀嘉宾进行案例研究等。
二、 选拔相关信息
该奖学金项目将为北大学生开放10个候选名额,入围决赛者将被邀请到蒙特利尔进行最后选拔,并为其提供交通及住宿费用,参加面试者同时将获得20000加币的奖励。最终将选出10位候选人成为McCall MacBain学生并获得全额奖学金。
四、 宣讲会安排及注册信息
Full Scholarships for Study at McGill University in Canada
The McCall MacBain Scholarships enable students to pursue a fully funded master’s degree at McGill University in Canada, while connecting with mentors and participating in a leadership program.
Founded in 1821, McGill University was named Canada’s best university by QS World University Rankings in June 2022, and 31st in the world. It is located in Montreal, one of the top student cities worldwide.
Current undergraduate students and recent graduates from the last five years (January 2018 or later).
Successful applicants must demonstrate character, community engagement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, academic strength, and intellectual curiosity.
Scholarships and Awards
Up to 10 McCall MacBain Scholarships (full funding)
Tuition and fees for 150+ eligible master’s programs at McGill
A living stipend of $2,000 per month during academic terms
Mentors, coaching, and a leadership program
A relocation grant and summer funding options
Up to 25 Finalist Awards ($20,000 each, tenable at McGill)
Up to 15 Regional Awards ($10,000 each, tenable at any public university in Canada)
June 1 – August 24, 2023
Students may apply for the scholarship at https://mccallmacbainscholars.org/apply.
September – December 2023
After applying for the scholarship, students should apply for eligible programs at McGill University. Deadlines vary.
October 2023
The top 16 candidates in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania will be invited to participate in online interviews.
March 2024
The top 35 international candidates worldwide will be invited to in-person final interviews in Montreal, Canada. Travel and accommodations are funded by the scholarship program.
September 2024
Recipients begin their studies at McGill University
Information Session
More Information