Who can apply?
The EMLE is a postgraduate course. Preference will be given to applicants who already have a first masters degree. The minimum requirement for admission is a bachelor degree, provided that this degree leads to employability in the relevant labour market. In particular with respect to the legal profession, stricter job qualifying criteria (first master degree) may be required by national regulations. Applicants with a bachelor degree only need to provide proof that this degree is an appropriate level of qualification for the labour market in their home country.
Besides graduates in Law or Economics, applicants with a first degree in business administration or in social sciences may also apply under the condition that the completed study programme includes a substantial number of courses in law and/or economics. The above requirement with respect to employability in the labour market equally applies.
There is a separate application procedure for European Students and for Third Country Students.
Tuition Fees
For details please see the section The Programme.
All admitted students will be accommodated in furnished rooms by the receiving teaching centres. The rent is at the expense of the students.
Students should make sure that they are insured (health-, travel- and personal liability insurance).
Applicants might find it useful to study in advance: Cooter, R. and Ulen, T., Law and Economics, Addison-Wesley, 4th ed., 2004.
Those with no prior knowledge of economics should read the microeconomics part of any introductory economics textbook as well as chapter 2 of the book by Cooter and Ulen mentioned above.
Detailed information about the start of the programme, the courses, date of arrival, accommodation, etc. will be provided in due time.