应北京大学“大学堂”顶尖学者讲学计划的邀请,世界一流的中世纪史研究学者、美国普林斯顿高等研究院帕特里克·格里(Patrick J. Geary)教授,将于2016年4月4-17日来我校讲学。讲学期间,格里教授将发表两场演讲,并应邀与来自北京大学、复旦大学、吉林大学边疆考古研究中心、宁夏考古研究所等机构的学人召开学术讨论。
At the Invitation of PKU Global Fellowship, American medieval historian Patrick Geary,Professor of Western Medieval History at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey,will pay a visit to Peking University from April 4th to April 17th, 2016. During his visit, Professor Gerry will deliver two speeches, and have a round-table discussion with scholars from Peking University, Fudan University, Research Center of Frontier Archaeology of Jilin University, and Ningxia Institute of Archaeology.
特里克·格里教授1974年从耶鲁大学获得博士学位后,先后在普林斯顿大学、弗罗里达大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校任教,2012年进入普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study)。格里教授著作宏富,对中世纪史学科影响甚大的代表作就有多种,其中包括《在法兰西和德意志之前》(Before France and Germany, 1988)、《与死者共生的中世纪》(Living with the Dead in Middle Ages, 1994)、《追忆的幽灵:第一个千年结束时的记忆与遗忘》(Phantoms of Remembrance: memory and oblivion at the end of the first millennium, 1994)、《民族的神话》(Myth of Nations, 2002)、《作为公共知识分子的历史学家》(Historians as Public Intellectuals, 2007)、《书写历史:中世纪的认同、冲突与记忆》(Writing History: Identity, Conflict and Memory in the Middle Ages, 2012),以及《中世纪早期的语言与权力》(Language and Power in the Early Middle Ages, 2013)等。
Patrick J. Geary (born September 26, 1948) is an American medieval historian and Professor of Western Medieval History at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
Geary's primary area of research has been in the early Middle Ages, from ca. 500-1100 A.D. His scholarship has made significant contributions to a number of areas of medieval social and cultural history, including the cult of relics, literacy and social memory, conflict and dispute resolution, and the formation of ethnic identity in early Europe. He has also published and spoken frequently on the development of medieval history as an academic discipline in Europe and the United States.
Over the course of his career, he has taught at Princeton University, the University of Florida, UCLA and the University of Notre Dame. He has also held visiting professorships at several European universities.
At the Institute for Advanced studies, Geary has worked with an interdisciplinary team of North American and European researchers to apply advanced DNA analysis to early medieval burial remains from Italy and central Europe to help understand population movement and social structures during the so-called "barbarian migrations."