燕京学堂邀请到了CSIS(国际战略研究中心)的Dr. Scott Kennedy 前来讲座。
讲座主题:“China and Global Financial Markets: A Clash of Civilizations?”
China has become integrated into a variety of international economic regimes, among them trade, technology, public health, climate change, and foreign aid. Its integration into the world of global finance has been relatively slow and generated severe tensions, which we are seeing play out in headlines every day. In this talk, Kennedy explores the challenges of greater Chinese involvement in a range of financial regimes, including those for equity investment, securities investment, credit ratings, exchange rates, and the IMF’s SDR basket. China’s integration into the global financial system is likely to continue to resemble a complex and challenging socialization process that features political tensions and economic volatility.
(附件为Dr. Kennedy 的个人简历和讲座简介)