由环太平洋大学联盟(Association of Pacific Rim Universities, APRU)主办,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校公共卫生学院(University of California, Los Angeles, Fielding School of Public Health)组织的首届APRU危机管理网络研讨会(Inaugural APRU Crisis Management Webinar),将于2020年9月30日在Zoom会议平台举行,会议语言为英语,会议日程参见附件1,具体通知如下:
主题:Perspectives of Covid-19 Pandemic: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control
时间:北京时间2020年9月30日(星期三)8:00 am-10:10 am
主持人:Professor Ron Brookmeyer, PhD, Dean, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
1.Singapore’s Response and Mobilizing Surge Capacity
Professor Yik-Ying TEO, Dean, the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, the National University of Singapore
2.Recent Beijing Covid-19 Outbreak and China’s Covid-19 Perspectives
Zunyou Wu, MD, PhD, Professor and Chief Epidemiologist China CDC Director, Division of HIV Prevention, NCAIDS/China CDC
3.Risk Communication and COVID19
Professor Julie Leask, Sydney Nursing School and School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney
4.COVID-19: How much protection do face coverings offer
Yifang Zhu, PhD, Professor and Associate Dean, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
5.California and Los Angeles Covid-19 Status and the US Perspectives (Confirmed)
Tim Brewer, MD, MPH, Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
2020年3月,在北京大学国际合作部的协调和组织下,由公共卫生学院牵头组织,发起了题为“公共卫生危机管理研究与教育国际合作(Potential international collaboration of research and education on public health crisis management)”的项目倡议,在APRU系统内寻求国际合作者。经过多方联络,新加坡国立大学公共卫生学院(National University of Singapore, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health)、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校公共卫生学院(University of California, Los Angeles, Fielding School of Public Health)、悉尼大学公共卫生学院(The University of Sydney, Sydney School of Public Health)积极响应了倡议,与北京大学公共卫生学院共同组成APRU“公共卫生危机管理”项目核心组。