• 2016-05-23
  • 公告通知
  • 北京大学斯坦福中心



1) Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in China: A Multi-Disciplinary and Cross-National Approach 

(June 20 – July 8, 2016)

2) Designing Solutions to Global Grand Challenges

(July 18 – August 18, 2016)

3) MedTech Hackathon

(August 14 – 25, 2016)







Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in China: A Multi-Disciplinary and Cross-National Approach (June 20 – July 8, 2016)


Randall Stafford, Professor of Medicine (Preventive Medicine), Stanford University 

Judith Prochaska, Associate Professor of Medicine (Health Psychology), Stanford University

Mike Baiocchi, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Research Design), Stanford University


Multiple factors have led to China’s increasing chronic disease burden, including population aging, globalization of dietary patterns, urbanization, and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. The country faces new challenges that strain existing health systems and have spawned multiple health care reforms. Yet, prevention strategies offer great hope as China works to tackle such conditions as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Much could be gained by examining China’s response to its chronic disease challenges. Students will take part in classroom discussions led by Stanford School of Medicine faculty, and team-based, practical research projects that will develop proposals for innovative chronic disease prevention research. The faculty will also facilitate consultation with Chinese academics, local health practitioners, and industry/government representatives. 


Designing Solutions to Global Grand Challenges (July 18 – August 18, 2016)


James Landay, Professor, Stanford Department of Computer Science, Stanford University

Ge Wang, Assistant Professor, Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stanford University


In this course we will creatively apply information technologies to collectively attack today’s Global Grand Challenges (e.g., global warming, healthcare costs and access, and quality education for all). Interdisciplinary student teams, composed of technologists, designers, and social scientists, will carry out needfinding within a target domain, followed by brainstorming to propose a course-long project. Teams will spend the rest of the course applying user-centered design methods to rapidly iterate through design, prototyping, and testing of their solutions. This course will interleave three weekly lectures with twice/week studio sessions where students apply the techniques hands-on in a small-scale, supportive environment. The class is structured using the Design Thinking process. An overarching goal is to identify and produce potent solutions to real world problems that balance pragmatics with aesthetics, vision with feasibility, form with function, and human factors with technology.  


MedTech Hackathon (August 14 – 25, 2016)


Robert Chang, Assistant Professor, Stanford Department of Ophthalmology, Stanford University

Ravi Pamnani, Director of Marketing and Medical Affairs, Transcend Medical, Stanford University

The hands-on course pairs Stanford graduate students with students in Beijing collaborative teams and immerses them in the Chinese healthcare system. Students will have the most special opportunity to shadow physicians and interview patients to identify unmet needs and market opportunities. Students then brainstorm solutions and develop rapid prototypes to test their ideas and obtain user feedback. They will also be able to learn and select business models to ensure the sustainability of their solutions. Along the way, students get feedback from physicians, digital health entrepreneurs, and investors who evaluate their ideas in real-world contexts.

