|主讲 Speaker|
Paul Kelly 教授,英国伦敦政治经济学院副校长、政治哲学教授
Professor Paul Kelly, LSE Pro-Director (Vice President) for Education and Professor of Political Philosophy
|主持 Moderator|
陈长伟 教授
Professor Chen Changwei
|时间 Date & Time|
14:30-15:25, October 31, 2016
|地点 Venue|
Room B102, the No.2 Gymnasium, PKU
|题目 Title|
2016年6月23日,经全民公投,英国决定退出欧盟。公投结果让英国,欧盟以及世界颇感意外,由此全球经济、政治格局将迎来调整。讲座中,Paul Kelly教授将审视脱欧公投后英国政治新进展,并从英国与欧盟两方面对2017年3月即将开始的脱欧进程谈判做出分析。
After BREXIT, what Next? Britain, Europe and the World
On the 23 June 2016 the electorate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland voted for the UK to leave the European Union. The result was unexpected and since then Britain, the EU and the world are adjusting to a new uncertainty in global economics and politics. Prof. Paul Kelly will examine the most recent developments in the UK since the referendum results and the scenarios for both the UK and the EU as BREXIT negotiations are set to commence from March 2017.
|主讲人介绍 About the Speaker|
Paul Kelly教授是伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)主管教学副校长、政治哲学教授。任副校长前,Paul Kelly教授是伦敦政治经济学院政府系系主任。Paul Kelly 毕业于约克大学(哲学学士,政治理论硕士),博士毕业于伦敦大学。其研究领域包括:英国政治进程中的思想、政策制定、多元文化主义;群体权利及国家认同,机会平等、结果平等,社会正义理论;现代政治理论,包括20世纪英国政治理论发展与变迁,古希腊至今的政治思想以及意识形态等。
Paul Kelly is LSE Pro-Director (Vice President) for Education and Professor of Political Philosophy at LSE. As Pro-Director Paul overseas all aspects of teaching and learning at LSE. Before taking up his post as Pro-Director, in 2013, Paul was Head of the Department of Government at LSE. He graduated from York University with a First in Philosophy and an MA in Political Theory. His PhD is from the University of London, where he spent two years at LSE and a further year at UCL. His current research interests include political ideas in British politics and policy-making including multiculturalism; group rights and national identity; equality of outcomes and equality of opportunity and theories of social justice; theories and concepts in modern political theory including especially the development and distinctiveness of British Political Ideas from the seventeenth-century; and political ideologies and political ideas from the Ancient Greeks to the present.