• 2017-10-13
  • 公告通知
  • 北京大学国际合作部


北京大学国际文化节缘起2004年,如今已走过14个年头。今年第十四届国际文化节以“四海一家Together As One”为主题,期望来自世界各地、五湖四海的莘莘学子能够在北大欢聚一堂,开阔视野,互相沟通,缔结深厚的友谊。北京大学中乐学社与圣母大学手铃乐团联合音乐会是由北京大学国际合作部主办,北京大学研究生会国际交流部及生活部承办的国际文化节品牌活动。



A Joint Concert by the University of Notre Dame Handbell Choir and Peking University Chinese Music Institute











Host:Peking University, University of Notre Dame

Organizer: Peking University Chinese Music Institute, The University of Notre Dame Handbell Choir, Graduate Union of Peking University

Co-organizer: Peking University Sing Song 



Time: 19:00, Orctober 15, 2017

Place:PKU Global Center for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Tickets Time: 15:00-18:00, October 14, 2017

Place: Graduate Union of Peking University Office ( in the north of New Sun Student Center)


混搭不一定是奇葩,中西结合未必不中不洋。更何况还有北大 Sing Song 清唱团的歌声倾情加盟,乐器与人声,东方与西方,在音乐的享受之外,更有别样的惊喜。



北京大学中乐学社,全称为北京大学中国音乐学社(Peking University Chinese Music Institute),是北京大学丰富多彩学生社团文化大家庭中的一员。秉承“爱国、进步、民主、科学”的北大校训、“爱校、弘乐、感恩、合作、正己、育人”的中乐社训,凡爱乐者皆可入,凡爱乐者皆为友,以义工方式,以学生身份,致力于中国音乐与中国文化的传播与发展。

Peking University Chinese Music Institute, or PKUCMI for short, is a large student-run association open to all music lovers at Peking University. PKUCMI consistently upholds the values of “Love for School, Promotion of Music, Gratefulness, Co-operation, Establishing Oneself and Nurturing of Others”. PKUCMI is also committed to the promotion and development of Chinese music and culture through student volunteer work. PKUCMI aims to uphold the spirit of China’s earliest student-based extracurricular music organization, the “Peking University Music Institute”, established in 1916, and has performed well ever since its founding in 2005, earning titles such as “Most Creative Activity Award”, “Outstanding Societies Award”, “Top 10 Societies Award”, “Branded Society Award”, and the “Innovation Award”, the highest honour for student associations in PKU.



毕明辉,2007 年起至今任教于北京大学艺术学院音乐学系,复旦大学中文系文艺学博士后,中央音乐学院西方音乐历史博士,音乐人类学硕士,钢琴艺术表演与教学学士,研究领域涉及音乐史学、音乐美学、音乐人类学等。毕明辉博士崇尚“大学之长,贵在综合,艺术养心,音乐化人”之教育理念,倡导消弭专业界限、音乐与多学科交叉互补之治学理念,曾多次赴国外讲学交流,并举办各类音乐活动。2009 年起应邀担任北大中乐学社指导教师,兼艺术总监和指挥。

Prof. BI Minghui Bryan

Associate Professor, School of Arts, Peking University (since 2007)

Post-PhD (Fudan University)

PhD (Musicology, Central Conservatory of Music)

Prof. Bi’s research interests include the history of music, musical aesthetics, anthropology of music, film music, music hearing and performance techniques etc. He firmly believes in the teaching of music beyond the professional field and advocates interdisciplinary learning. He has also been involved in lecturing and sharing overseas, as well as in the organization of various activities related to music. He was invited to the appointments of Supervisor, Artistic Director and Conductor of PKUCMI in 2009.



The University of Notre Dame Handbell Choir plays an important role in the musical, cultural, and pastoral life of the University’s campus. Established in 1988, the Handbell Choir performs for about ten thousand people each year in the University of Notre Dame’s beautiful Basilica of the Sacred Heart, which is a top tourist destination at the world-renowned University in Indiana ninety miles east of Chicago. 


圣母大学手铃乐团是全美最负盛名的手铃乐团之一。乐手们一共演奏61只由青铜 (80%黄铜与20%锡的合金)精心打制而成的手铃。14名乐手中包括学术背景各不相同的本科生、研究生和博士生。每年乐团都会通过严格的选拔程序挑选新的乐手加入。乐手们不仅对手铃充满热情,也曾受过多年的音乐训练。每人除手铃之外也谙熟至少一种乐器,例如竖琴、小提琴、圆号、钢琴等。

The University of Notre Dame Handbell Choir is one of the most distinguished handbell ensembles in the United States.  Members of the Handbell Choir play a total of sixty-one bells made of pure bronze—80% copper and 20% tin. The bells are typically played by fourteen Notre Dame students who are enrolled in a range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs at the University. The members of the Handbell Choir, called Ringers, are selected each new academic year through a highly selective process. Ringers display a passion for the art form and are also accomplished in a variety of other instruments as well, including harp, piano, french horn and violin, for example. 


Sing Song 国际清唱团

北京大学Sing Song国际清唱团创立于2005年,至今已有12年的历史。该团在成长过程中吸纳了来自中国、新加坡、中国澳门、中国香港、韩国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、美国、德国等国的学生歌手,由一支7人新加坡留学生歌唱小组发展成了今日的国际学生清唱社团。音乐分享是Sing Song 贯彻始终的坚持,因而多元的风格、自编自演的创意也都是该团一直以来的追求。Sing Song作为北京大学的学生团体,积极参与校园活动,多次为北大国际文化节、北大新年晚会、北大毕业晚会等重要活动献唱,并在2009年夺得北大十佳歌手比赛冠军。

Established in 2005, Peking University Sing Song A Cappella started out with only seven Singaporeans, and have since matured into an international group over 12 years. Members of Sing Song come from all around the world: Singapore, Korea, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong (PRC), Macao (PRC), USA and PR.China etc., bringing diversity and, at the same time, uniqueness to the group. Brought together by the passion for music, Sing Song hopes to bring joy to her audience through their singing. The group mainly performs pop music, but also attempts to incorporate different musical elements such as jazz and blues into their performances. Also characteristic to Sing Song, is the variety of languages and dialects, such as Korean, English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien, used to deliver her music. The group has also been an avid participant of Peking University’s school events, performing in occasions such as the school’s International Cultural Festival, her New Year celebrations, and her graduation ceremonies. In 2009, Sing Song participated in Peking University’s Top Ten Singers Competition, and was honored to be crowned the champion. 


文字 | 杨廷婷

编辑 | 张媞媞

审核 | 吴朋政