北京大学国际合作部英文官方微信平台 PKUInternational(PKUI)今日正式上线!在这里,你可以看到北大与世界的交流与互动,还可以把握燕园最国际化的动态;你可以倾听世界学子的游学记闻,还可以获取最新鲜的项目信息。我们希望为各界朋友和广大学子提供一个了解北大、认识北大的信息平台,也期待着大家的关注。这一次,让我们站在燕园,拥抱世界。

Hello, world! I’m PKUI, the official WeChat account for Peking University’s Office of International Relations, also known as PKU:OIR. This channel is dedicated to providing English news and event information about Peking University for students, faculty, alumni, friends of the university, and to anyone who wants to learn more about PKU.

Peking University, established in 1898, is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary teaching and research university located in Beijing, China. It is the oldest, and most influential institution of higher learning in China, and it has been the origin of every major social movement in contemporary Chinese history. It was from this picturesque campus where the Chinese Renaissance movement took place and where democracy and science became a beacon for the whole society. Since its founding, the University has always been centered on the four pillars of patriotism, progress, democracy, and science, and it is at the heart of thought and culture in China. Peking University, known for its vibrant student community and its all-embracing campus culture, serves as a bridge between China and the world, bringing together China’s and the world’s renowned scholars and students of talent who are determined to make the world a better place.

Welcome to Peking University
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