课程一:国际政策分析与实践International Policy Action Lab,IPAL
国际政策分析与实践课程(International Policy Action Lab,以下简称IPAL)凭借热门的研究问题、专业的师资配备、高效的社群链接为全球顶尖学生和在职专业人士提供跨学科学术体验。参与者们抱持着探索国际社会政策发展逻辑的理想,通过三门课程的学习,将接受严格的数据分析和社会科学研究方法培训,学习进行国际政策研究的循证方法,并完成由芝加哥大学教师监督的小组研究项目 “顶点研究计划”。研究讨论以及课后社群活动让同学们得以在交流互动中拥有更多维的碰撞思考。

秦雪征博士是北京大学经济学院副院长、教授、博导,北京大学全球健康发展研究院副院长,北京大学市场经济研究中心主任。研究领域为卫生健康经济学、人力资本经济学、应用计量经济学。先后主持由国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社会科学研究基金、加拿大国际发展研究中心等机构资助的多项科研课题。当选中国劳动经济学者论坛主席,担任国际学术期刊《China & World Economy》副主编,及多个学术杂志的客座主编或编委,兼任国家自然科学基金和国家社会科学基金评审委员、中国劳动经济学会常务理事等社会职务。

Austin Wright

· 计量经济学方法论及其应用
· 计量模型及Stata软件的基本操作和程序语言
· 国际政策“顶点研究计划”
· 四周线下课程,两校教授共同在北京大学面对面授课
· 国际政策领域的理论基础与实践分享
· 顶尖国际组织实地走访与职业规划建议
· 由北京大学及芝加哥大学哈里斯公共政策学院联合颁发的课程结业证书
· 常规费用:3600美元
· 早鸟价:3300美元(4月18日之前提交申请)
· 北京大学及芝加哥大学在读学生及校友优惠价:3000美元
课程二:货币政策与国际金融Monetary Policy and International Finance Program,MPIF
货币政策与国际金融课程(Monetary Policy and International Finance Program,以下简称MPIF)专为对货币政策和国际金融政策领域感兴趣的本科生、研究生和相关行业从业者开设。通过两校顶级教师联合授课,并借助全球范围内行业领袖的积极参与,本项目将会带领学生从理论与实践层面,研究现代世界的货币与银行体系以及中央银行与商业银行的角色,并邀请中美金融行业从业者分享实践与职业发展经验心得。此外,课程将讨论政府和中央银行的政策选择及其对国内利率与外汇汇率的影响,并研究商业银行的作用,以及在金融紧张时期中央银行必须作为最后贷款人时带来的复杂性。

Tang Yao唐遥
唐遥博士为北京大学光华管理学院应用经济系副教授,中信改革发展研究基金会研究员。2009年不列颠哥伦比亚大学经济学博士毕业。2009到2016年在美国Bowdoin College任教,历任助理教授、副教授。主要研究方向为货币经济学,国际经济学和企业策略。曾教授课程包括宏观经济学原理,宏观经济与政策,国际金融,国际贸易,经济增长,亚洲经济专题和微观经济学原理。

Thomas Coleman
曾任芝加哥大学贝克弗里德曼经济研究所执行总监与资深顾问。在重返芝大前,Coleman在金融市场有着超过二十年的资深从业经历,曾担任的职务包括但不限于:摩尔资本管理有限责任公司(Moore Capital Management, LLC)量化分析和风险控制主管;总部位于伦敦的对冲基金管理公司Aequilibrium Investments, Ltd.的董事和创始成员;在伦敦TMG金融产品公司、雷曼兄弟公司和S.G. Warburg公司担任固定收益衍生品研究和交易的卖方角色。著有:《Quantitative Risk Management》及《A Practical Guide to Risk Management》。
· 现代各国货币系统的结构与效能
· 中央银行与商业银行之于国家的角色
· 货币政策制定及其对本国利率、外汇汇率的影响
· 金融紧张时期中央银行充当最后贷款人的问题
· 中国的银行监管与创新
· 中美金融领域顶尖职业人讲职业规划与社交网络
· 三周线下课程,两校教授共同在北京大学面对面授课
· 货币与国际金融领域的理论基础与实践分享
· 来自中美金融领域顶尖从业者的职业规划建议与社交网络
· 由北京大学及芝加哥大学哈里斯公共政策学院联合颁发的课程结业证书
· 常规费用:3000美元
· 早鸟价:2700美元(4月18日之前提交申请)
· 北京大学及芝加哥大学在读学生及校友优惠价:2500美元
课程三:环境经济政策实践分析Environmental Economics and Policy Lab, EEPL
环境经济政策实践分析课程(Environmental Economics and Policy Lab,以下简称EEPL)是一门面向本科生、研究生和对环境经济学和能源政策领域感兴趣的专业人士的课程。该课程由芝加哥大学教授在北京大学面对面授课,并在北京进行实地考察和交流。本课程将对环境经济学理论和应用进行广泛探讨,结合当今世界环境政策问题引入能源政策主题,并探讨转化为微观经济理论问题,以突出政策制定者面临的决策限制和基本权衡。

王绍达Shaoda Wang
· 环境经济学理论基础
· 环境能源政策实践分享
· 以发展经济理论理解和解决环境能源问题
· 撰写政策报告,参与小组讨论
· 三周线下课程在北京大学面对面授课
· 中美两国环境政策研究权威学者的前沿学术分享,扩展职业知识和行业网络
· 实地考察和访问能源和环境组织
· 由北京大学及芝加哥大学哈里斯公共政策学院联合颁发的课程结业证书
· 常规费用:3000美元
· 早鸟价:2700美元(4月18日之前提交申请)
· 北京大学及芝加哥大学在读学生及校友优惠价:2500美元
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Peking University-University of Chicago Summer School
Peking University and the University of Chicago have a long and well-established history of cooperation and exchange as strategic partners. In 2019, Peking University Chicago Center was registered in the US, making it the first overseas centre established by Peking University. As an important platform for Peking University's external exchanges, the center actively explores new modes of spreading the education methods all over the world and promotes cooperation between Peking University and universities in North America in various aspects such as talent training, research exploration and humanistic exchanges.
After three years of online teaching and careful preparation, Peking University and the University of Chicago will launch an offline "Peking University-University of Chicago Joint Summer School" (hereinafter referred to as "Summer School") in the summer of 2023. During the Summer School, you will receive face-to-face instruction and guidance in English from top professors in UChicago or PKU on PKU campus, complete a group research project supervised by professors, visit top industry organizations to learn about their best practices, receive career planning advice and social networking from top practitioners in related fields in China and the United States, and receive a certificate of completion jointly awarded by the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago and Peking University.
This year's Summer School offers three separate full English language programmes focusing on: International Policy Action Lab (IPAL), Monetary Policy and International Finance Program (MPIF), and Environmental Economics and Policy Lab (EEPL). The programmes offer an interdisciplinary academic experience and a rich alumni and professional network for leading students and working professionals from around the world. The programme is now open for applications! Please scan the QR code at the end of the article to access the Project Advisory Group of the programme and receive further information on specific programme briefings.
Course I:
International Policy Action Lab,IPAL
Duration:17 July 2023 -11 August 2023
The International Policy Action Lab (IPAL) provides an interdisciplinary academic experience for leading students and working professionals from around the world through popular research questions, professional faculty and effective community network. With the ideal of exploring the logic of international social policy development, participants will be trained in rigorous data analysis and social science research methods through three courses. They will also learn evidence-based methods for conducting international policy research, and complete the Capstone Research Project, a group research project supervised by University of Chicago faculty. Research discussions and post-course community activities allow students to have a more multidimensional collision of thinking in a communicative and interactive way.

Xuezheng Qin
School of Economics, Peking University
Deputy Dean, Professor
Dr. Qin is Professor and Deputy Dean at Peking University School of Economics, and Director of the Peking University Research Center for Market Economy. Dr. Qin's primary research interests include health economics, economics of human capita and applied econometrics.

Austin Wright
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
Assistant Professor
Dr Wright is an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and a faculty affiliate of The Pearson lnstitute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts. His research leverages micro-level data to study the political economy of conflict and crime in Afghanistan, Colombia, lndonesia and lraq, Wright's work is supported by the National Science Foundation, Niehaus Center for Globa Governance, the Asia Foundation, and the World Bank.
For academic year 2021-2022, Wright is on leave and also a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Yale University School of Management and faculty affiliate of the The Georg Walter Leitner Program in International and Comparative Political Economy.

Yanran Chen
Yanran Chen obtained PhD degree from Peking University and a joint PhD degree from Yale University. Now she works at School of Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business. Her main fields of study are environmental health economics and labour economics. She has been offering courses in econometrics, advanced econometrics and applied econometrics for a long time.
Course Content
·Econometric methodology and its applications
·Econometric models and the basic operation and programming language of Stata software
·International Policy "Capstone Research Programme"
Course Highlights
·Four-week offline course, taught face-to-face at Peking University by professors from both universities
·Theoretical foundations and practical sharing in the field of international policy
·Field trips to top international organizations and career planning advice
·Certificate of completion jointly awarded by Peking University and the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago
Course Fees
·Regular fee: US$3600
·Early bird rate: US$3,300 (Applications due by 18 April)
·Discounted rate for current students and alumni of Peking University or the University of Chicago: $3,000
About the Course Details:
Course II:
Monetary Policy and International Finance Program,MPIF
Duration:17 July 2023 - 4 August 2023
The Monetary Policy and International Finance Program (MPIF) is designed for undergraduate , postgraduate students and practitioners interested in the field of monetary and international finance policy. Co-taught by top faculty from both universities and with the active participation of industry leaders from all over the world, the programme will take students through a theoretical and practical examination of the monetary and banking systems of the modern world and the role of central and commercial banks, and will invite practitioners from the US and China to share their practical and professional experiences. In addition, the course will discuss the policy choices of governments and central banks and their impact on domestic interest rates and foreign exchange rates, study the role of commercial banks and the complexities that arise when central banks must act as lenders of last resort in times of financial stress.

Tang Yao
Associate Professor at Peking University, Guanghua School of Management
Dr. Tang is an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He is also a researcher at the CITIC Foundation for Reform and Development. He graduated with a PhD in Economics from the University of British Columbia in 2009, and taught at Bowdoin College in the US from 2009 to 2016, where he was an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor. His main research fields are monetary economics, international economics and corporate strategy. His courses include Principles of Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics and Policy, International Finance, International Trade, Economic Growth, Topics in Asian Economies and Principles of Microeconomics.

Thomas Coleman
Senior Lecturer, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
He was formerly Executive Director and Senior Advisor at the Baker Friedman Institute of Economics at the University of Chicago. Before returning to the University of Chicago, Coleman was a veteran of the financial markets for over twenty years, the positions including but not limited to: Head of Quantitative Analysis and Risk Control at Moore Capital Management, LLC; Director and founding member of London-based hedge fund manager Aequilibrium Investments, Ltd.; Sell-side roles in fixed income derivatives research and trading at TMG Financial Products, London, Lehman Brothers and S.G. Warburg. Author of: Quantitative Risk Management and A Practical Guide to Risk Management.
Coleman was an academic, teaching graduate and undergraduate economics and finance at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Coleman earned his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago, and his BA in physics from Harvard.
Course Content
·The structure and effectiveness of modern national monetary systems
·The role of central banks and commercial banks in the country
·Monetary policy making and its impact on national interest rates and foreign exchange rates
·The role of central banks as lenders of last resort in times of financial stress
·Banking Regulation and Innovation in China
·Career planning and social networking by top professionals in finance in the US and China
Course Highlights
·Three-week offline courses with professors from both universities teaching face-to-face at Peking University
·Theoretical foundation and practical sharing in the field of currency and international finance
·Career planning advice and social networking from top practitioners in finance from China and the US
·Certificate of completion jointly awarded by Peking University and the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago
Course Fees
·Regular fee: US$3,000
·Early bird rate: $2,700 (Applications due by April 18)
·Discounted rate for current students and alumni of Peking University or the University of Chicago: $2,500
About the Course Details:
Course III
Environmental Economics and Policy Lab, EEPL
Duration:7 August 2023 - 25 August 2023
The Environmental Economics and Policy Lab (EEPL) is a course for undergraduate, postgraduate students and professionals interested in the field of environmental economics and energy policy. The course is taught face-to-face by professors of University of Chicago at Peking University with field trips and exchanges in Beijing. The course will provide a broad exploration of the theory and application of environmental economics, introduce the topic of energy policy in the context of environmental policy issues in the world today ,explore the translation into microeconomic theory issues and highlight the decision constraints and fundamental trade-offs faced by policy makers.

Shaoda Wang
Assistant Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
Dr Shaoda Wang currently serves as a National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Faculty Fellow and Academic Associate Director of the Energy and Environmental Policy Institute China Center (EPIC China) at the University of Chicago. He is an applied economist. His research fields include development economics, environmental economics and political economy, aiming to understand the political economy principles behind public policy, with a focus on China. Dr. Shaoda Wang holds a BA from Peking University and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley.
Course Content:
·Theoretical Foundations of Environmental Economics
·Sharing Environmental Energy Policy in Practice
·Understanding and addressing environmental and energy issues in the context of development economic theory
·Writing policy reports and participating in group discussions
Course Highlights
·Three-weeks offline courses delivered face-to-face at Peking University
·Cutting-edge academic sharing from leading scholars in environmental policy research in China and the US to expand professional knowledge and industry networks
·Field trips and visits to energy and environmental organizations
·Certificate of completion jointly awarded by Peking University and the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago
Course Fees
·Regular fee: US$3,000
·Early bird rate: $2700 (Applications due by 18 April)
·Discounted rate for current students and alumni of Peking University or the University of Chicago: $2,500
About the Course Details:
How to apply
All of the above programmes are open to participants from a various professional and academical background. Current undergraduate students (who need to have completed at least one year of undergraduate study at a full-time university by summer 2023), postgraduate students and working professionals are all welcomed in this programme. Applicants are required to submit the following application materials via online system.
1) Completed online application
2) Statement of motivation (300 words)
3) Curriculum vitae
4) Transcripts
5) English Language Requirement (TOEFL/IELTS/DUOLINGO/CET4-6)
Application Period
·Early bird application deadline: 18 April 2023 (Early bird rates available for applications before this date)
·First round application deadline: 23 May 2023
·Second round application deadline: 18 June 2023
* Applicants will be notified of their acceptance or non-acceptance within approximately two weeks of the closing date for each round of applications.
* If the intake is full, applications will be closed before the second round
* Foreign students must have a valid study visa to participate in the programme. For applicants who need to apply for a visa to travel to China, please take the time length of your visa application into account and schedule your application properly.
Scan the QR code to join the programme information group and speak directly to admissions officers:

If you have any questions, please send an email to: