Wu, Jing
School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University
Beijing, China
Dr. Wu Jing is professor of communication at the School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University. She got her Ph.D. in Media Studies from the Department of Communication Studies, the University of Iowa in 2002. Her research areas are critical media and cultural studies, social theories of communication and media technology, social uses of new media, new media and creative industries, visual culture, etc. She published articles both in Chinese and English on topics concerning various aspects of media, culture and society. Her recent book is entitled Visual Expressions of Cultural Modernity: Ways of Seeing and Communication. She has guest lectured at Oxford University, Columbia University and the Royal Institute of Technology among others. Her recent research interests focus on social and cultural history, social uses and social theories of new media technologies, especially visual media.
Ph.D. (2002) Department of Communication Studies, The University of Iowa
B.A. (1997) Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University
July 2012-present Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, PKU
July 2005-July 2012 Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, PKU
July 2002-July 2005 Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, PKU
Publications in English:
Dissertation: Imagining Chinese Modernity: Film and Television Representations of the Cultural Revolution during the First Decade of the Reform Era
Book (in Chinese): Visual Expressions of Cultural Modernity: Ways of Seeing and Communication.
“Salvation through Surrender: A Textual Analysis of Global Cultural Economy,” in Tamkang Review(《淡江评论》), Vol.XXXIV, No. 1 (2003), 109-131。
“Chinese Public Opinion in Response to the 9/11 Events,” in Vladimir Shlapentokh et al. eds., America: Sovereign Defender or Cowboy Nation? Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005.
“Nostalgia as Content Creativity: Cultural Industries and the Popular Sentiment,” International Journal of Cultural Studies, September, 2006, Vol. 9, No. 3.
“Beyond Propaganda, Aestheticism and Commercialism: The Coming of Age of Documentary Photography in China,” in javnost-the public, Vol. 14, (2007), No. 3, pp. 5-22.
Wu Jing, “Post-Socialist Articulation of Gender Positions: Contested Public Sphere of Reality Dating Shows,” in Women and the Media in Asia: The Precarious Self, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Jing Wu, “The State of Media Studies in China”, Television & New Media, 2016, Vol. 17 (5): 392-396.
Jing Wu, “Home, Aesthetic Authority and Class Identity in the Shadow of Neoliberal Modernity” in Lifestyle Media in Asia: Consumption, Aspiration and Identity, edited by Fran Martin and Tania Lewis. London and New York: Routledge. 2016.
Gabriele Balbi, Changfeng Chen, Jing Wu (editors), "Plea for a (New) Chinese Media History", editorial, Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2016.
Wu, Jing. Book Review. Fan Yang, Faked in China: Nation Branding, Counterfeit Culture, and Globalization,Global Media and Communication December 2016 12: 340-342.
Wu and Yun, "From modernization to neoliberalism? How IT opinion leaders imagine the information society,” The International Communication Gazette, 2018 Vol. 80 (1) 7-29.
Yun and Wu, “Internationalization of China’s new Documentary”, China’s Media Go Global, Daya Kishan Thussu, Hugo de Burgh and Anbin Shi, eds., Routledge, 2018, 153-166.
Zhao, Yuezhi, Wu Jing, Understanding China's Developmental Path: Towards Socialist Rejuvenation? in Javnost-The Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, https://doi.org/10.1080/13183222.2020.1727274, March 2020
Gianluigi Negro, Jing Wu, “Exporting the Silicon Valley to China”, https://doi.org/10.29333/ojcmt/7996 Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 10, Issue 3, Article No: e202016 Published Online: 22 Apr 2020
Wu, Jing. Book Review, Internet Addiction Among Cyberkids in China: Risk Factors and Intervention Strategies, in Chinese Journal of Communication, 2021,15 Jul.
From industrial movies to social media discourses: alternative social imaginaries of industry and technology in China
Huiyu Zhang & Jing WuORCID Icon
Received 04 Oct 2022, Accepted 22 Aug 2023, Published online: 09 Oct 2023
Cite this article https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2023.2263575
Editorial Board Member for Communication and the Public
Editorial Advisory Board for Chinese Journal of Communication
Ad hoc journal reviewer for Journals such as TV & New Media, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Information Policy, International Journal of Communication, Global Media and China, etc.