International Faculty

International symposium on "Lermontov and World Literature" held

2015-03-12 09:26:42

Peking University, November 13, 2014: On October 17th and 18th, the Russian Department of School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, held an international symposium on the theme of "Lermontov and World Literature".

The symposium was held in commemoration of the bicentenary of Lermontov's birth and the 105th anniversary of Yu Zhen's birth. Experts on Russian literature from several universities and academies were invited, both at home and abroad.
Lermontov is considered the supreme poet and author of Russian literature alongside Pushkin in the 19th century. His famous poems Fatherland and Death of the Poet, prose A Hero of Our Time and drama Masquerade were all masterpieces which maintain a profound influence in the world literature. Yu Zhen, best known for his translations of poems written by Pushkin, Lermontov, Mayakovsky and other eminent Russian poets, was an excellent Chinese translator of Russian literature in the last century.

The symposium was inaugurated on October 17th. Professor Cheng Zhaoxiang, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages delivered the opening speech and accorded a warm welcome to all the guests. Professor Gu Yunpu from Russian Department gave a subjective report of Lermontov. Dividing Lermontov’s life and literary composition into four phases, Gu introduced his comprehensive study of the prominent man of letter. Following Professor Gu, some other attendees made their speeches.

Professor Cheng Zhaoxiang delivered the opening speech

On October 18th, Mz. Raskina, the leading researcher at the Institute of National Art and Culture of Russia, talked about Lermontov's influence on Dostoevsky's poetry composition. Following with some deeper discussions of Lermontov's poems, the symposium gradually came to an end. Professor Wang Xinyi, Dean of the Russian Department, delivered the closing address.

Host by the Russian Department of School of Foreign Languages, PKU, and Peking University Press, this symposium offers a stage of international exchange and cooperation for scholars of Russian literature. It also plays an active role in promoting the study of Lermontov in China.

Written by: Wang Yue
Edited by: Li Ruiqi
Source: School of Foreign Languages